(set #about (cat "\n\n\nWelcome to the " wakdt "\n\n(C)opyright 1996, 1997 by Andreas R. Kleinert" extraC) )
(set #whereDTs "In what directory are the Datatypes located? (Not the 'Datatypes' dir itself, 1 level up, ie 'Classes'.) If they aren't installed, select where you wish to install them. (Default: 'SYS:classes'.)")
(set #dtdirnotfound "\nThe 'Datatypes' directory was not found. Please select where you have the 'Datatypes' directory located. Do not select the 'Datatypes' directory itself, but one directory level up. If you have the datatypes in 'SYS:classes/datatypes' you would pick 'SYS:classes'.\n\n'datatypes' directory not found in:\n\n")
(set #backupdts " BackUp Current Datatype & Prefs")
(set #whattodo "\nWould you like to backup the Datatypes Currently installed on your system that will be updated, along with the Prefs program if installed?\n")
(set #whereback "Where would you like to BackUp the Datatypes? If a directory Called 'Datatypes' is not there one will be created. (Default is 'SYS:Storage')")
(set #wherebackp "Where would you like to BackUp the Prefs Program?")
(set #askcpu "\nCPU Check: What CPU does the machine have that you are installing the Datatype on? The installer has found:\n")
(set #backup1 "\nThe Datatype was Backed-up to:\n")
(set #backup2 "\n\nThe 'Devs:' files that were backed-up will have the <checksum> of the file appended to the file name.")
(set #foundnonak1 "\nThe installer has found that you have a '")
(set #foundnonak2 "' installed. This will create a conflict with the '")
(set #foundnonak3 "' that is used for decoding pictures.\n\n Is it ok to move the datatype to:\n\n")
(set #Skip "Skip")
(set #Delete "Delete")
(set #movedt "Move DT")
(set #tools "\nWhat Datatype Prefs(s) would you like to install?\n")
(set #akprefs " - Prefs for ")
(set #Where "Where do you wish to install ")
(set #whereakprefs "? If there is a copy already there a backup of it will be created!")